Division #2

 Div 2 Information (Brawner)





1.Home team supplies 1 new 12 inch ball and 1 new 11 inch ball. Also supply a second good 12 inch ball and a second 11 inch ball.

2.Teams should arrive 15 minutes ahead of their game time to warm up. The games are timed at 90 minutes which should be sufficient time to get in 7 innings of ball. Manage your team’s time to prevent unnecessary delay (be ready to start on time). For early games, no new inning can start after 7:20 p.m. unless agreed upon by the 2 coaches from the late game.


3.ESSPA Bat Policy states that ALL bats MUST have the USSSA (U-Trip) Compliance stamp. All other bats are illegal. At each game, it is the coaches’ responsibility to inspect the bats on the hangers and to secure any that are noncompliant. NO EXCEPTIONS. Failure to remove illegal bats from the game will result in coach and player being removed from the game.



4.Leadoffs: A base runner’s foot cannot leave the base “until the pitched ball has reached or passed or bounced in front of the home plate or is batted”. This “forgives” a base runner for leaving the base if the batter swings and misses the ball. It also reduces arguments.

5.The 150 “Courtesy” line is no longer used.

6.The Scoring Line: There is no “home plate” - the Scoring Line must be used. If the runner touches the green batting area or the board, the runner is out. Furthermore, the runner’s foot must be on the ground either over or on the line to be safe.





7.Courtesy Runners: Each batter must get to first base on their own effort. A player who has reached first base is permitted a courtesy runner if required. To maintain fair play in this Division, the courtesy runner can be anyone listed in the line-up but the same courtesy runner cannot be used more than once per inningand twice per game. A batter who requires a courtesy runner from first base must notify the bench immediately after the play ends. The batter may call for a courtesy runner on any base reached on the initial play after time is called. Once that opportunity has passed, the batter CANNOT get a courtesy runner unless injured.

8.Courtesy Runners from Home: The only exception to item #7 is an in-game injury. A courtesy runner will be permitted to run from a line 3 feet behind home plate. That courtesy runner would be the previous capable “last out”. Courtesy runners from home can ONLY go to first base regardless of the distance of the hit ball or even an overthrow to any base. All preceding runners can advance at their own peril on all hit balls or overthrows.

  1. Rosters: The maximum number of fielders is 11. The defensive team may have a maximum of 8 male fielders. A minimum of 3 females must be in the line-up. If there are less than 3 females listed in the line-up, each missing female will be counted as an automatic out.

10.Five Run Rule and Mercy Rule. Maximum 5 runs per inning. After completion of 5 innings of play if there are 12 runs or more difference in the score, the game is over. This rule applies to completion of the 6th innin as well. Only the 7th inning is “open”.

11.Spares: If your team requires a “spare”, the only resource pool is Brawner. The team manager will approach the individual player. Spares shall be of the same gender and to the greatest extent possible, the same capability as those players they are replacing. Spares shall be placed at the bottom of the team batting order. Less than 8 players constitutes a forfeit. A team can have maximum 2 spares. The game can be played if agreed upon by the 2 coaches but will be counted as a loss for the forfeiting team.






12.Spares (Pitchers): If a team requires a spare pitcher, team managers shall contact the individual player as far in advance as possible to provide relief. If a Brawner spare pitcher cannot be obtained, there may be some pitchers from Hansen who are willing to lend a hand in Brawner. The Hansen pitcher will PITCH ONLY and will NOT be in the batting order. The Hansen pitcher will perform any defensive plays as required.

13: Intentional walks: Not allowed.

14.Rainout Procedure:  If the City of Edmonton has not closed the sports fields, then both teams will arrive at the diamonds prepared to play. However, if inclement weather is persistent throughout the afternoon prior to the game, the affected coaches can confer and decide to cancel play. The game will be declared a 7-7 tie. A rainout game can be played if both coaches agree and the coaches make appropriate arrangements. Score remains a 7-7 tie.

15.Air Quality and Heat: The decision to play or not will rest with the League (ESSPA) based on criteria established in the League.


These rules have been updated March 5, 2024.

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