Edmonton Seniors Slo-Pitch Association Bylaws
Article 1- Preamble
1.1 Name - The name of this organization shall be the "Edmonton Seniors Slo-Pitch Association''. It will
hereinafter be referred to as "ESSPA".
1.2 The Bylaws -
Article 2 -Defining and Interpreting the Bylaws
2.1 Definitions
2.1.1 AGM - Annual General Meeting is a mandatory meeting of the general membership of an
organization. This is the meeting in which the election of the Board of Directors occurs.
2.1.2 Board of Directors (Board) - A board of directors is a group of people who jointly supervise the
activities of an organization.
2.1.3 Bylaw - Bylaw is a rule established by an organization to regulate the actions of its members.
2.1.4 Director - Any member in good standing elected or appointed to ESSPA’s Board of Directors.
2.1.5 Member in good standing - A member in good standing is regarded as having paid in full their
dues, a member of the current season, and have no form of sanction, suspension, or
disciplinary action against them. Associate members and Life Time members are part of this
group but have exceptions defined below.
2.1.6 Special Meeting - a special meeting is called by the Board or members in good standing to
discuss specific matters stated in the notice of the meeting.
2.1.7 Special Resolution - as per Section 1(d) of the Societies act:
(i) a resolution passed
specifying the intention to propose the resolution has been duly given, and
person or by proxy.
(ii) a resolution proposed and passed as a special resolution at a general meeting or special
meeting of which less than 21 days' notice has been given, if all the members entitled to
attend and vote at the general meeting or special meeting so agree, or
(iii) a resolution consented to in writing by all the members who would have been entitled at a
general meeting or special meeting to vote on the resolution in person or, where proxies are
permitted, by proxy.
2.1.8 In Camera - a private meeting for the Board of Directors only. Minutes of this meeting may not
be published.
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2.1.9 Writing - to include email, posted letter or hand delivered letter.
2.1.10 Resolution- a motion passed by the members at an AGM or Special Meeting.
2.1.11 Motion- a formal proposal put to a committee to request action on a recommendation.
Article 3 - Membership
3.1 Classification of Members
There are 3 categories of members
3.1.1 An associate member is a non-playing, non-voting member who volunteers in the on-going
operation of ESSPA. Voting privileges ONLY if Board Member. Free membership provided.
3.1.2 A Life Time Member is nominated by the membership and must have significant and long-term
contributions to ESSPA. Final decision for a Life Time Membership rests solely on confirmation
by the Board. Free membership for life and no voting privileges.
3.1.3 An active or voting member is anyone who meets the age requirement of the division they are
registered in, who is a resident of Alberta, participates in the league, supports the objectives of
ESSPA and has paid their fees.
3.2 Membership fees - membership fees are set by the Board and voted on by the Membership for the
following year at a special meeting to be held at the end of each season (end of August or early
3.3 Membership year - April 1 to March 31 of each year of paid dues.
3.4 Payment Date for Fees - Fees are due March 31st of said year. Late fees, determined by the Board
and voted on by membership at the AGM, apply if payment is made after this date.
3.5 Rights and Privileges of Members
3.5.1 Rights & Privileges - Any member in good standing is entitled to
3.6 Suspension of Membership
3.6.1 Suspension of Membership - ESSPA may suspend a member for a set period from one day to a
season or longer depending on the severity of the offense. Members can and will be
suspended for one or more of the following:
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3.6.2 Notice to the suspended member will be given in writing In severe cases, supported by witnesses, or in cases where several attempts at
reconciliation have been made with no success, the at fault member will receive written notice
of their suspension pending the Board’s meeting with the Conflict Resolution Committee to
determine the length of suspension or expulsion. The length of time to reach a decision cannot
exceed 2 weeks. The notice will state the reasons for why the suspension is being considered.
3.6.3 Decision of the Board The member will have an opportunity to appear before the Conflict Committee to
address the matter. The Board may allow another member to accompany the member in
question. The Board may limit the time the member has to address the Committee. Upon the recommendations of the Conflict Committee the Board will determine how
the matter will be dealt with. The decision of the Board is final.
3.7 Termination of Membership
3.7.1 Resignation Any member may resign from ESSPA by sending written notice to Registrar, Secretary
or the President. Once notice is received, the Member’s name will be removed from the register and will
no longer have membership privileges.
3.7.2 Death
3.7.3 Withdrawal If a Member has not paid their membership fee within 1 month of when the fees are
due, the Member will be considered to have withdrawn their membership. Their name will be
removed from the register.
3.7.4 Expulsion ESSPA may, by Special Resolution at a Special Meeting called for the purpose of
expulsion, expel any member for any cause deemed sufficient in the interests of ESSPA. The decision is final. The Member’s name will be removed from the register.
3.8 Liability for unpaid membership fees - Liability for unpaid membership fees will be the responsibility
of any member who ceases to be a member but still owes fees prior to resignation or removal.
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Article 4 -Meetings of ESSPA
4.1 The Annual General Meeting
4.1.1 Date - ESSPA holds its AGM no later than March 31st in each calendar year. The Board sets the
date, time and place.
4.1.2 Notice - The Secretary, or assigned Board Member, will compose the email notice to be sent by
the Registrar from the registration system to each member at least 10 days prior to the
meeting. Notice will include any notice of Special Resolutions in which case 21 days’ notice will
be given.
4.1.3 Agenda for the AGM
The AGM deals with the following matters:
and liabilities and the auditor’s report
4.1.4 Quorum - Attendance by 10% of the Members will be considered at quorum.
4.2 Special Meeting
4.2.1 Calling of a Special Meeting
A Special Meeting may be called at any time:
submitted or
motion intended to be submitted at the meeting.
4.2.2 Notice - The Secretary, or assigned Board Member, will email members 21 days prior to the
Special Meeting. This notice will state the date, time and place as well as the purpose of the
4.2.3 Agenda of the Special Meeting - Only the matter(s) set out in the notice for the Special
Meeting are to be considered at the Special Meeting.
4.2.4 Procedure at the Special Meeting - Any Special Meeting has the same method of voting and
the same quorum requirements as an AGM
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4.3 Proceedings at an AGM or Special Meeting
4.3.1 Attendance by the Public - AGM’s are open to the public but they may be asked to leave by the
Board or Members. They are not entitled to speak unless they have been invited to do so.
They do not have any voting privileges.
4.3.2 Failure to Reach Quorum - The President will cancel the AGM if quorum is not present within ½
hour of the set time. If the meeting is cancelled it will be reset for the following week- same
place and time. If quorum is not present again, the meeting will proceed as scheduled.
4.3.3 Presiding Officer The President chairs every AGM. The VP will chair if the President is unavailable. If neither the President or VP are in attendance the members in attendance will choose
a chair.
4.3.4 Voting Each voting member has 1 vote. A show of hands decides every vote. A ballot may be
used if at least 10 voting members request it. The President will cast a vote in the case of a tie. A voting member may not cast a vote by proxy. A majority vote of the Members present decides a motion or resolution. The President or Meeting Chair declares a resolution lost or carried. The decision is
final. The number of votes for or against does not need to be recorded. The President, in good faith, decides any dispute on any vote.
4.3.5 Failure to give notice of a meeting - No action taken at an AGM is invalid due to:
Article 5 - Governance of ESSPA
5.1 The Board of Directors
5.1.1 Governance and Management of ESSPA - The Board governs and manages the affairs of ESSPA
with assistance from Robert’s Rules of Order.
5.1.2 Powers and Duties of the Board - The Board has the powers stated by ESSPA, except as stated
The powers and duties of the Board include:
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5.1.3 Composition of the Board
The Board consists of:
5.1.4 Election of the Board At the AGM, the voting Members will vote in the positions whose terms have expired
or replacements for any positions that have been vacated (resignations, deaths, terminations,
etc.). Voting Members may re-elect a director to a specific position only twice. No director
should serve more than 2 terms in one position. The exception may be ONLY if no other
candidate stepped forward.
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5.1.5 Resignation, Death or Removal of a Board Member Any member of the Board can resign giving 1 months’ notice in writing. The
resignation takes effect once accepted by the Board or on the date specified. Voting Members may remove any Board member by calling a Special Meeting and
voting to remove the board member. If there is a vacancy on the Board, the remaining Directors may appoint a Member in
good standing to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term. This does not apply to Past
5.1.6 Meetings of the Board The Board will hold a meeting as required, at least every 3 months. The President or
designate will call the meeting and the Secretary will inform the Board members. The
President can call a meeting at the request of at least 3 Board Members if they request the
meeting in writing and state the purpose of the meeting. When possible, notice of meetings will be given a minimum of 1 month in advance. A majority of Board Members present will constitute a quorum. In the event that
Board Members have resigned or left for any reason, and no replacement has been chosen -
quorum will be a majority of currently serving Board Members. If there is no quorum, the meeting will be adjourned and held the same time and place
the following week. Quorum will be considered with 50% plus 1 of the currently serving Board
Members present. Each Board member has 1 vote except the President or Past President. The President,
in good faith, decides any dispute on any vote. Meetings of the Board are open to Members in good standing. They are not allowed to
vote and are only able to participate in discussion or to present to the Board with the Board’s
permission. At any time, a majority of the Board in attendance may ask the Member to leave. All Board Members may agree to and sign a resolution. This resolution is as valid as
any passed at a Board meeting. The date on the resolution is the date it is passed. A meeting of the Board may be held by conference call or using other media formats
like Google Meets, Zoom, etc. Anyone participating in this meeting is considered present for
the meeting. Irregularities or errors made in good faith do not invalidate acts done by any meeting
done by the Board.
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5.2 Officers and Duties
5.2.1 President Voted in ODD year
with the Vice President
5.2.2 Vice President Voted in EVEN year
5.2.3 Secretary Voted in EVEN year
incorporating documents with the Corporate Registry
5.2.4 Treasurer Voted in ODD year
trust company chosen by the Board
the AGM
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5.2.5 Past President
5.2.6 Maintenance Director Voted in ODD year
approved by the Board.
aid in determining rental charges
5.2.7 Facilities and Bookings Director Voted in ODD year
outside groups
expected payment from the City
5.2.8 Registrar Voted in ODD year
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5.2.9 Tournament Director Voted in EVEN year
5.2.10 Marketing Director Voted in EVEN year
Directors to assist and streamline practices
5.2.11 Equipment Director Voted in ODD year
of budget to the Board
5.2.12 Division Co-ordinators Voted in EVEN years
possible but reflect the needs of their particular division
insurance group
aware of the rules, expectations and procedures of the league
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5.3 Standing Committees
The Board establishes all committees:
5.3.1 Executive Committee
appointed by the Board All Executive Officers may agree to and sign a resolution as with any other groups of
ESSPA. A meeting may be held by conference call or another media format as earlier stated.
Irregularities and errors done in good faith do not invalidate acts done by the Executive
5.3.2. All other Board Approved Committees
Article 6 - Finance and Other Management Matters
6.1 The Registered Office - The Registered Office is currently located at the ESSPA Clubhouse, 11303 -
113 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5G 0J3. This may be changed by a resolution of the Board as long as the
change is communicated to the Corporate Registry.
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6.2 Finance and Auditing
6.2.1 Fiscal Year - The fiscal year end of ESSPA is December 31 of each year.
6.2.2 Audit - There must be an audit of the books, accounts and records of ESSPA at least once each
year. A qualified accountant or 2 members with accounting experience may be appointed at
the AGM. The Audit is to be presented at the AGM.
6.3 Seal of the Society
6.3.1 Seal of the Society Usage - The Board has a seal and is used by only authorized members of the
Board to authenticate and make official any document the Board deems necessary. The seal
remains in the custody of the Secretary.
6.4 Cheques, E-transfers and Contracts of ESSPA
6.4.1 Authorization - The designated officers of the Board will sign all cheques and authorize all
withdrawals of monies. Two designated people must authorize with signatures or by filling out
the proper documentation any transactions of this nature. The 2 people signing must not be
related by blood or marriage/common-law or related to someone working at a company that
the Board is employing.
6.4.2 Contracts - All contracts of ESSPA must be signed by 2 Officers with signing authority or those
authorized by a resolution of the Board.
6.5 Keeping and Inspection of the Books and Records of ESSPA
6.5.1 Minutes - The Secretary keeps a copy of the minutes of any Board meeting, AGM, Executive
meeting or Special meeting at the registered office and on a digital storage device. All minutes
(excluding those in camera, or special meetings that may contain sensitive information) should
be posted on the website in draft and updated after their approval.
6.5.2 Records - The Board keeps and files all necessary books and records as required by the Bylaws,
the SOCIETIES ACT, or any other statute or laws.
6.5.3 Financial and Record Inspection - A Member wishing to inspect the books or records of ESSPA
must give reasonable notice to the President, Treasurer or Secretary of their intention to do
possible and/or at a mutually convenient time.
6.6 Borrowing Powers
6.6.1 Borrowing Powers - ESSPA may borrow or raise funds to meet its objectives and operations.
The Board makes this decision. This decision must be voted on by the Board and confirmed by
a Special Resolution of ESSPA.
6.7 Payments
6.7.1 Board of Director Payments - No Member, Director or Officer should receive payment for their
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6.7.2 Reasonable Expenses - Reasonable expenses incurred while carrying out duties of the Board
may be reimbursed upon approval. If there is a budget for these expenses this will be
considered approval unless the expense is in excess of $250, in which case it will need Board
approval. Any purchases of equipment, or procurement of services in excess of $500 requires
three (3) quotes and the Board will make their decision based on sound business practices and
vetting of businesses or service providers. In the event this is an ongoing purchase (eg.
Purchase and re purchase of equipment from the same vendor each year) then it can be
considered a contract with that business and it is not necessary to repeat the procurement
process each time. Price comparisons should be completed every 2 years.
6.8 Protection and Indemnity of Directors and Officers
6.8.1 Indemnity - Each Director or Officer holds office with the protection from ESSPA. ESSPA
indemnifies each Director or Officer against all costs or charges that result from an act done in
their role for ESSPA. ESSPA does not protect any Director Officer for acts of fraud, dishonesty
or bad faith.
6.8.2 Liability - No Director or Officer is liable for the acts of any other Director or Officer or
employee. No Director or Officer is responsible for any loss or damage due to the bankruptcy,
insolvency or wrongful act of any person, firm or corporation dealing with ESSPA. No Director
or Officer is liable for any loss due to an oversight or error in judgement or by an act in their
role for ESSPA unless the act is fraud, dishonesty or bad faith.
6.8.3 Liability for Audit - Director and Officers can rely on the accuracy of any statement or report
prepared by ESSPA’s auditor. Directors or Officers are not held liable for any loss or damage as
a result of acting on a statement of that report.
Article 7 - Amending Bylaws
7.1 Amendment - These Bylaws may be cancelled, altered or added to by a Special Resolution at any
AGM or Special Meeting of ESSPA.
7.2 Notice - The 21 days’ notice of the AGM must include details of the proposed resolution to change
the Bylaws.
7.3 Implementation - The amended bylaws take effect after approval of the Special Resolution at the
AGM or Special Meeting and accepted by the Corporate Registry.
Article 8 - Distributing Assets and Dissolving the Society/Association
8.1 Property - ESSPA does not pay any dividends or distribute any of its property to members.
8.2 Dissolution- If ESSPA is dissolved, any funds or assets remaining after paying all debts are to be paid
to a non-profit organization.
8.3 Asset distribution - Members are to select the organization to receive the assets by special
resolution. No Members will receive any assets from ESSPA.
Yolanda Flett - Memorial March 1, 2025
Trinity Funeral Home 10530-116 Street, Edmonton Alberta T5H 3L7
Service is being held on March 1, 2025 at 2pm at the Trinity Funeral Home 10530-116 Street, Edmonton Alberta T5H 3L7
AGM - 2025
Clansmen Rugby Center - 11060 111 Ave NW, Edmonton AB T5G